Terms & Conditions
By submitting the Membership Application, you agree to receive communications from or relating to Business EXL, and further agree that Business EXL may share your information and any other information and material you provide with other Business EXL members, affiliates, vendors, and third parties in order to provide you services as a Business EXL member. See Business EXL Privacy Policy for more information.
All disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the member’s participation in Business EXL shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of the Province where the applicant’s Business EXL Chapter is located. The Arbitration shall be subject to the Rules of the Canadian Arbitration Association. The clause encompasses any and all disputes involving Business EXL, its franchisee, and their officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives, as well as members, provided that the disputes pertain to membership or participation in Business EXL.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, any liability to you involving Business EXL, its franchisee, and their officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives for any cause whatsoever arising out of or related to this Agreement and/or membership or participation in Business EXL, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount of the annual membership fee paid by you for membership in Business EXL. Except in Jurisdictions where such provisions are restricted, in no event will there be any liability to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages. No actions here under may be commenced unless brought within one (1) year of accrual.
TERM. All term fees are measured from the application date. Applications dated between the 1st and the 15th of the month shall begin their term on the 1st of the month. Applications dated after the 15th of the month shall begin their term on the 1st of the following month. Terms run one (1) year from the date the term begins.
CERTIFICATION. I hereby declare and certify that all statements contained in this application and any accompanying documents are true and correct, and that any misrepresentation or false statement may be grounds for rejecting my application or, if discovered after my application has been accepted, subject me to immediate termination at franchisee’s or Business EXL’s discretion without any reimbursement. I further understand that my membership is conditional and I agree, accept and will abide by all the terms and conditions set forth herein and those contained within the Business EXL Member Policies, Guidelines and Code of Ethics, all of which I have had the opportunity to review upon request or received upon induction. I acknowledge that breach of these terms, conditions, and policies shall be grounds to terminate my membership. I understand and agree that UPON ACCEPTANCE, FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
Upon acceptance to Business EXL, I agree to abide by the following Code of Ethics during the tenure of my participation in the organization.I will provide the quality of services at the price that I have quoted.I will be truthful with the members and their referrals.I will build goodwill and trust among members and their referrals.I will take responsibility for following up on the referrals I receive.I will display a positive and supportive attitude.I will live up to the ethical standards of my profession.Professional standards outlined in a formal code of conduct for any profession supersede the above standards.
Prospective members must have a sponsor. Prospective members must complete this application and submit it to the Membership Committee for review.The Membership Committee will review your application, interview you, and inform you of your acceptance or non- acceptance.The Membership Committee notifies the President.The President announces new members at chapter meetings following acceptance by the Membership Committee and receipt of payment.Upon acceptance, you are required to attend the Business EXL Member Growth Program.
Membership Committees of each Chapter have final authority related to Business EXL® Policies. Membership Committees may put a Member on probation or open a Member’s classification for failure to comply with the Member Policies, the Code of Ethics or Business EXL® Core Values. Only one person from each Business EXL® Classification can join a Chapter of Business EXL®. Each Member can only hold one Business EXL® classification in a Business EXL® Chapter. Members should represent their primary professional focus. Members must arrive on time and stay for the entire published meeting time. A Member is allowed three absences within a continuous three-month period. If a Member cannot attend, they may send a substitute; this will not count as an absence. Members are expected to be engaged in the Business EXL® Chapter by bringing qualified referrals and/or visitors. Visitors may attend Chapter meetings up to two times.Only Business EXL® Members, Business EXL® Directors/Director Consultants or Guest Speakers can do Feature Presentations during the Business EXL® Meetings. There are no leaves of absence except for medical leaves. Members who wish to change their Business EXL® classification must submit a new membership application for approval.All Business EXL® membership lists are for the purpose of giving referrals only. Before sending any other communication to Business EXL Members or Director/ Director Consultants, the recipient must give their consent. Consent must be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous. All new Members must complete the Member Growth Program before giving their first Feature Presentation. Policies are subject to change. All proposed policy changes need to be reviewed first by the Management Committee.
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